Commune du Patrimoine Rural de Bretagne de Hengoat

  • Historical sites and monuments
  • Calvary and parish nclosures
  • Town
  • Listed or registered (CNMHS)
, 22450 La Roche-Jaudy
Peaceful and discreet, Hengoat is bursting with riches. The omnipresence of water has shaped the landscape and human activities. The countryside still bears the imprint of a rich bocage past, with its sunken lanes, embankments and valleys. The farmhouses and stone houses, remarkable for their size and architecture, bear witness to the wealth of Hengoat in the 19th century. Traces of past activities can be seen in the scattered settlements and the ‘small heritage’: wells, fountains, routoirs,...


All year 2025 -


Commune du Patrimoine Rural de Bretagne de Hengoat
, 22450 La Roche-Jaudy
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