Chapelle Saint-Jean-de-Keramanac'h

  • Historical sites and monuments
  • Calvary and parish nclosures
  • Chapel
  • Gothic
  • Listed or registered (CNMHS)
22810 Plounévez-Moëdec
The current building, constructed by the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem, replaced a primitive chapel a few years before the middle of the 15th century.
The flat chevet, with its imposing flamboyant bay window, is a remarkable example of one of the features so common in 14th and 15th century religious buildings in the Trégor region.
The sacred fountain below is currently being cleared.

The chapel is open once a year for the pardon on 15 August.
Information on site and heritage...


On 15 August 2025
  • 09:00 at 18:00


Chapelle Saint-Jean-de-Keramanac'h
22810 Plounévez-Moëdec
Contact Chapelle Saint-Jean-de-Keramanac'h
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